Keeping your visitors safe
In large venues door supervisors may use queue management techniques to avoid crushing and queue jumping. Body searches may also be carried out. This could also involve the use of metal detectors to deter the carrying of weapons. Door supervisors patrol inside a venue and ensure that they can be located in the event of an emergency.
Keeping your premises safe
NS UK staff liaise closely with the police, first aiders and man- agement to play a proactive role in defusing tensions in hostile or violent situations. We also work to reduce the supply of drugs into your venue. Your premises’ licence is our main concern. Collection of data on incidents, refusals and capacity figures are also gathered to ensure that your licence is protected.
Managing your reputation
Our door supervisors display a smart, professional appearance a friendly demeanor in order to welcome customers to your venue and encourage passing trade. Door supervisors are often the first and last point of contact your customers have with your venue and we ensure that they receive the right impression.
We recognise that your relationship with your regular trade is integral to your bottom line. As such we place a strong emphasis on the importance of relationship build- ing as part of our development program. In particular we have developed a module on maintaining positive relationships during conflict, to ensure even when things go wrong the customer wants to return.
Why use door supervisors?
Free security audits
If you would like a free security audit for your establishment, please contact us to arrange an appointment.